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Some info about how you set up snares

Setting Snares
To set a snare, the looped end of the snare is
suspended over a trail or path that the animal is
expected to use. The animal enters the snare, stick-
ing its head through the loop, and through its for-
ward progress draws the snare down on itself.
It should be noted, that not all animals are
snared by catching them around the neck. You will
be more successful snaring some animals like rac-
coon and beaver if the snare cinches up on their
body somewhere behind one or both of their front
legs. These animals both have a short, rounded
head and a great deal of manual dexterity with their
front feet. Using their front paws, these animals
can often slip a snare off over their head.
Other animals, most notably canines, have a
long tapered head that is very wide just behind their
ears. When a snare closes on their neck it is very
unlikely they will be able to slip out of it or remove
it. In this case, it is better to snare these animals
by the neck.
There are two major considerations in setting a
snare to target a specific animal -- the size of the
loop and the distance from the bottom of the loop
to the ground. In making these determinations you
must consider the size of the animal, the height of
the animal's head above the ground (generally de-
termined by the length of its legs) and whether it is
best to catch the animal by the neck or by the body.
For an animal you want to snare by the neck,
the snare loop should be just large enough to ad-
mit the animal's head. The snare should be posi-
tioned so that the bottom of the loop strikes the
animal's chest at the base of the neck after its head
goes through the loop.
To snare an animal by the body, you need a
loop big enough to admit the front portion of the
animal's body. The loop must be low enough to the
ground so that the animal can step through it, but
high enough to strike the animal's chest after the
animal steps through the snare.
In snaring canines the snare is positioned to catch the
animal around the neck. The loop should be large
enough to comfortably admit the animal's head. It
should be positioned low enough to clear the animal's
chin, but high enough so the animal does not step
through it.
Raccoon and beaver have a great deal of dexterity with
their front paws and can often slip a snare off their
neck. These animals are more successfully snared
around the body. The snare loop should be large
enough to admit the front portion of the animal's body
and positioned low enough so the animal can step one
or both front legs through the loop.
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Avoiding Deer
and Livestock
While your snares will be set to take furbearing
animals, the possibility exists that larger animals,
like deer or livestock could get tangled up in your
snare. This usually happens when the animal is
walking along and gets its foot through the snare
Some of the Ohio regulations are designed to
deal with this problem. Snares, or any other trap-
ping devices, cannot be set in paths commonly used
by humans or domestic animals. This means snares
cannot be set in active livestock trails. In regards
to deer, Ohio snares must employ one of two fea-
tures. One option is to install a stop on the cable
that prevents the loop from closing past a diameter
of 2-1/2 inches. This would allow a deer to shake the
snare off its foot. The other option is to use a lock
or lock system that will break away from the snare
cable at 350 pounds or less. This would allow a
deer to break the lock as it pulls against the snare.
These regulations are designed to minimize the
potential for detaining a large animal in your snare.
Still the best way to avoid deer and livestock is to
avoid setting your snares where these animals are
likely to be encountered.
You should not set snares within the confines
of a pasture where livestock is present. Deer are
free roaming, wild animals, but you can take mea-
sures to avoid catching them in your snares. Do
not set snares on trails that show frequent or heavy
use by deer.
There are other instances when you may want
to set a snare on a trail that is not regularly used
by deer, but still the possibility exists that a deer
might take that trail. In this case, you can con-
struct the set to make the deer avoid your snare.
The best way to do this is to place a pole over
your snare. The pole should be about the size of
your wrist or larger. You can place the pole hori-
zontally over your snare and support it on each
end. This gives the appearance of the goal posts on
a football field. With the pole just above the snare,
the deer will jump or step over the pole, while the
target animal will go under the pole and into the
Another option is to use a "leaning" pole to steer
the deer away from your snare. This is best accom-
plished where the trail passes close to a tree and
the snare is fastened to the tree. Here, you can
lean a pole against the tree at an angle with the
snare between the pole and the tree. A deer will
walk around the outside of the pole and avoid the
snare. Make sure there is room on the outside of
the pole for the deer to detour around it.
In each of these cases, the pole should be
propped up so that it will not fall down easily. How-
ever, the pole should not be wired or permanently
fastened in place because it could create an en-
tanglement situation for the animal. The animal
should be able to knock the pole over if it gets the
snare around it.


Do not set snares in the confines of a pasture
where livestock is present.
Avoid setting snares in trails that show heavy use by
deer. In trails that do not show deer activity but might
be used by a deer at some time, you can set up objects
that will guide the deer away from your snare. Here a
pole is leaned against the tree to make the deer step
off to one side. In using this method, make sure there
is room on the outside of the pole for the deer to pass.
Here a pole is laid horizon-
tally over the snare. If a
deer encounters this pole,
it will jump over the pole
and miss the snare. This is
sometimes called a "jump
pole". Do not fasten these
poles in place too solidly,
or they may create an
entanglement situation. An
animal caught in the snare
should be able to knock
these poles down.
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Sets with Snares
Snaring requires a minimum amount of equip-
ment for constructing sets. You need snares, wire
with which to fasten and stabilize the snares, and
pliers for cutting and twisting the wire. You will
also need stakes and a hammer if you are going to
fasten your snares this way. Another tool that you
may need is a set of cable cutters. These cutters
are specially designed to cut steel cable. It is nearly
impossible to cut this cable with any type of regu-
lar pliers.
While other trapping devices, like foothold and
bodygrip traps, can be used over and over again to
catch animals, snares can be used only once. After
an animal has been held in the snare, the cable
will be bent and twisted, and the snare will no longer
function properly. It is possible to use the hard-
ware from the snare, like the lock and swivel, and
make another snare using a new piece of cable,
ferrules, and deer stop if necessary. Snares and
snare components are available from trapping sup-
ply dealers.
The principles for constructing a set with a snare
are somewhat different than those often applied
with other trapping devices. Often trappers use bait
or lure to get an animal to stop where the trap is
set. Snares depend on an animal's continued for-
ward progress to tighten down the snare loop. A
set with a snare is basically a trail or blind set. You
should not use lure or bait in close proximity of
your snare or use anything else that would make
an animal stop or hesitate as it approaches and
enters the snare.
The following are examples of sets that can be
made with snares. For these depictions, the snares
have been painted white to make them easier for
you to see. In actual practice, you would not use a
white snare unless you were trapping in snow. To
remove the shine from new snares and make them
less visible, boil the snares for about a half-hour in
a baking soda solution.


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Here is a snare set for coyote. The coyotes are going
under a fence that is in the background. The snare has
been set away from the fence at the edge of the tall
grass. The snare is staked far enough away from the
fence that any animal caught in it will not be able to
reach the fence.
Here is a set for fox made in the woods on a trail. A
pole has been leaned over the snare in case a deer
comes down the trail. There is nothing within reach of
the snare for the animal to tangle up on.
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This snare is set for coon where the animals have
made a trail through tall grass. There is no entangle-
ment here and no danger of an animal being harmed
by the snare.
Here is a snare set for beaver where the animals are
climbing up over a creek bank. This is a clear area with
no entanglement.

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